hayleigh.dev 🏳️‍⚧️

Open Source

I spend most of my free time working on a handful of open-source packages for Gleam. You can read about a few of them below. I also jump in and out of work on my own programming language: Ren. In the wider open-source community, you can find me answering all sorts of questions on the Gleam Discord server as well as the Elm Slack server. If you ever have any questions about either of those two languages, or functional programming in general, now you know where to find me!


Lustre is an opinionated framework for building React applications with Gleam. It provides an Elm-like state management system while letting you access the huge ecosystem of React components.


Nibble is both a string lexer and a parser combinator library for Gleam. It's not the fastest, but it might just be the nicest!


Ren is a pragmatic functional scripting language for the Web. When you don't need a type system like TypeScript or Elm, but you miss a pipe operator and pattern matching, Ren might be for you.


Yak is an embedded scripting language for Gleam. It's a work in progress, but you can already make some pretty interesting things with it. Provide an environment made up of external Gleam functions and execute small scripts at run time.

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